
Gear For Life

Website Re-design for Gear For Life

Part of Land Run Brands, the Gear For Life website is the company’s outlet for tapping into the gear, hunting, and sports market. Looking for a new site, they chose Fhoke, a specialist WordPress Web Agency, to create a stunning new website design.

Gear For Life is a custom Wordpress theme and brand designed by London web design agency Fhoke for an online men's magazine.
WordPress website agency Fhoke design the Gear For Life Website

Website Brief

Gear for Life aims to bring you all the coolest, must-have gear to enhance your life by serving up daily articles, buyer guides, and reviews. They spend a great deal of time hunting down and reviewing the best outdoor gear money can buy. They needed a new identity and WordPress website that reflected their ambition and appealed to their readership.

Gear For Life WordPress website by London WordPress agency Fhoke

Website Design

Not our first rodeo, we leaned on all our knowledge of designing magazine sites to create a unique outdoors brand to enrich the great articles and reviews their editorial teams write. For the website, WordPress was the platform of choice, the perfect tool for managing any leading magazine.

Gear For Life WordPress website by London WordPress agency Fhoke
Gear For Life WordPress website by London WordPress agency Fhoke


With a strong brand to capture the attention of their reader’s, Gear For Life has a new identity they can be proud of. Built on WordPress, the editorial team now has the tools they need to make this bold magazine an immense success.

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