The sheep. They’re back. If you’ve not ‘herd’ before, at this time of year, the woolly lambchops return to the fields around the studio and add an extra sparkle to Grant’s day. They also mark a time of the year when we realise Christmas is just around the corner. Only 85 days to go!
Sticking to the theme of looking ahead, we thought that this month we’d share what’s coming up, instead of what’s been done. A sneak peek into projects the team are working on in the run-up to years end.

Stay fuelled. Stay alert.
We’re pumped to announce that we are now working with the team at Combat Fuel. A veteran-owned supplement brand, Combat Fuel, has already amassed a strong following within the military and gym community, and we’ll be joining them on their journey, helping take them to the next level.
We’ve already started on the new packaging and are currently building out a mega new online store with WooCommerce. It was a toss-up between that and Shopify, but with all the customisation and future plans for the store, we went with WooCommerce. Stay posted for more updates.

Supporting the work of the ICRC
The ICRC or International Committee of the Red Cross works worldwide, helping people affected by conflict and armed violence and promoting the rules of war. They currently work on the ground in over 90 countries – working as a neutral, impartial, and independent organisation.
Our friends, over at Raw London, who already work with ICRC, asked us to partner with them to help build the ICRC a digital version of their Case For Support. A document that is distributed to high net-worth individuals to generate aid and donations.
We’re currently building a new digital version on a bespoke set-up to help the ICRC create and send these documents online in an engaging way. No more paper, just direct, targeted messaging.

Living and breathing historic cars
If you know us, then you’ll know we love a car website. Just take a look at Classic Ford Broncos, New Legend or Metal & Gas, and you’ll get the idea. So it was only inevitable that a 100-year-old brand car brand would come knocking one day.
We’re taking this company through a complete rebrand, so they come out the other side refreshed and ready to sell timeless classics and collectable cars.
We’re excited to share the results in the new WordPress site in coming months. Till then, drive safe folk.